Image by Mikhail Pavstyuk
What Is A Book Review?
A book review is a short analysis or critical evaluation of a book. Simply put, a book review is what you think about a book which means the essay is opinion-based.
You might find a book review essay question in Part 3 of your SPM Paper 2, where you’re expected to write around 200 – 250 words. In this article, we’ve outlined several easy steps that you can take to help you write an SPM book review essay. You’ll also find an example of a book review essay at the end, so don’t miss out on that!
Step-By-Step Guide To Write A Book Review Essay For SPM
Step 1: Read the question carefully
The first thing to do is to read the essay question carefully so you are clear on what you must include in your SPM book review essay. Pay attention to any keywords in the question. For example, some questions may ask you to share a synopsis of the book or who you think should read the book.
You should also take note of who you’re writing for. Are you writing a book review for the school magazine, the local newspaper or an online blog? This will help you tailor your book review for the audience.
Step 2: Identify your book
For an SPM book review essay, you usually get to choose what book you would like to write about. Book lovers and avid readers would probably have many options in mind. If you’re not into reading (it’s not too late to start a new habit!), you can write about a book that you’re well-versed or familiar with.
Many great book series like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games have also turned into movies. So if you’ve seen the movie but haven’t read the book, you technically will have enough content to write a book review.
There are some basic elements that you should include in your SPM book review essay. To help you outline your essay and brainstorm for ideas, here are some WH questions that you can use as prompts.
What is the title?
Who is the author?
What happens in the book?
Who are the characters?
Where and when does the story take place?
Why did you like or dislike the book?
Why is it worth or not worth reading?
Who would you recommend the book to?
How did the book make you feel?
What did you learn from the book?
Step 4: Write the introduction
In the introduction paragraph of your SPM book review essay, you must first introduce the title and author of the book. Here are several different ways that you could begin your essay:
I have recently read the novel …
The book I am reviewing is titled … by …
My favourite book is …
One of the novels that I enjoy reading is …
… is a novel written by …
The author of the … book series is …
You can also mention the genre of the book in your introduction. Is it fiction or non-fiction? Is it a sci-fi, thriller, fantasy or romance novel? Remember, your introduction paragraph doesn’t need to be long; 2-3 sentences would be just right.
Step 5: Write your body paragraphs
Image by Olia Gozha
Your SPM book review essay should have 2-3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph can focus on a different point or element to keep it well organised.
When writing your body paragraphs, remember to refer to the essay question so that you address all of the required points in your essay. You can also select the WH questions that are the most relevant for you to respond to in your essay.
If you’re struggling to expand on your points, use the PEEC acronym. PEEC stands for:
Point (What are you trying to convey?)
Explanation (How can you explain it further?)
Example (What are some examples you can include to support your point?)
Conclusion (So what?)
Step 6: Write your conclusion
In your conclusion, you can provide your recommendations for the book or reaffirm how you feel about the book. It’s okay to give a negative review, but this should be consistent with what you’ve shared in your body paragraphs.
Here are some examples of sentences or expressions that you could use in your SPM book review essay’s conclusion.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves mystery novels.
I enjoyed reading the book and would recommend it to others.
The book is available in the school library, so do check it out.
This book is best suited for fans of fantasy novels such as Lord of the Rings.
As a fan of fantasy and adventure novels, I would give it a read but don’t expect it to be as good as the Harry Potter series.
While the characters are interesting, I believe this book is not for everyone.
Step 7: Proofread your essay
This step is something that you’d find in all of our essay guides because it is an important step when writing any kind of essay.
Proofread means checking your essays for any mistakes and areas for improvement once you’ve finished writing. Always remember to leave some time for you to proofread at the end!
SPM Book Review Essay Sample
Image by Blaz Photo
‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ written by author John Boyne is a moving story set during the Holocaust. This historical fiction novel was also adapted into a movie of the same name.
The main characters in the book are Bruno, the son of a Nazi official and Shmuel, a Jewish boy held in a concentration camp. When Bruno first saw the camp, the prisoners’ uniforms looked like ‘striped pyjamas’ to him. While exploring the fence surrounding the camp, Bruno meets Shmuel on the other side of the fence and the two strike up an unlikely friendship.
Once I started reading, it was very difficult to put it down as the story hooked me. I like how the story focused on the perspectives of children and highlights their innocence. The story also emphasises how friendship knows no boundaries. While the book started quite light at the beginning, it is heart-wrenching by the time it ends. I enjoy books with cautionary tales like this as it contains a lot of moral lessons.
If you’re worried about the language, don’t be. The book is written in simple English which made it very easy to understand. I didn’t find myself needing to look up many words in the dictionary. ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ is also not too long, so you can easily finish reading it within a week.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend this book as it tells a story with deep meanings that anyone can reflect on and learn something about.