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It’s no secret that grammar can be a bit of a minefield — there are so many rules, and it can be tricky to know when to use them. However, being able to use good grammar is essential, whether you’re at school or in the workplace.
In this article, we’ll share tips to help you improve your grammar skills. Whether you’re a grammar novice or need a refresher, we hope you find this post useful to improve your English grammar.
#1 How To Improve Your English Grammar: Know the parts of the speech
We’re going to let you in on a little secret. The words we use every day, the parts of speech, are the key to understanding how sentences are put together. If you can identify the different parts of speech and understand what they do, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great writer.
The parts of speech are the building blocks of language. They are the words that we use to communicate our thoughts and feelings. There are eight parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each one serves a specific purpose and has a specific role to play in a sentence.
Nouns are the most basic elements of language. They are the things that we talk about. Nouns include words like Kuala Lumpur, Taylor Swift, school philosophy, happiness, and cat.
Adjectives modify nouns and describe aspects or characteristics of nouns. Adjectives help us understand more about the nouns we are talking about. Adjectives include words like red, talented, lazy, large, and short.
Pronouns take the place of nouns. Pronouns are useful when we want to avoid repeating the same noun over and over again. There are several different types of pronouns:
personal subject pronouns (such as I, she, and they)
personal object pronouns (such as us, you, it, and them)
personal possessive pronouns (such as mine, yours, his, hers, and theirs)
relative pronouns (such as who, which, that, and whose)
Verbs indicate actions or states of being and tell us what the noun is doing. Verbs are an important part of making a sentence sound complete. Verbs include words like write, jump, be, seem, and have.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs help us to understand more about the actions that are taking place. Adverbs include words like quickly, slowly, silently, and loudly.
Prepositions show the relationship between two objects in a sentence. Prepositions include words like in, on, under, over, above, below, behind, and in front of.
Conjunctions join two or more things together. Conjunctions include words like and, but, or, nor, yet, and so.
Interjections are words or phrases used to express a feeling, request, or demand. Examples of interjections are ‘hooray’, ‘ouch’, and ‘phew’.
Bonus: Can you combine all the parts of the speech we’ve just learned in a sentence?
#2 How To Improve Your English Grammar: Have a varied reading list
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It is no secret that reading is key to improving your grammar skills. By reading a variety of materials, you will get a better understanding of how grammar works and how other authors use language. One of the best ways to improve your grammar skills is to read a variety of different genres and styles of writing.
By reading various material, you’ll learn how different authors use language and sentence structure, and you can start to imitate their style in your own writing. But what if you’re not sure where to start?
If you’re feeling lost in a sea of classic literature, textbooks, blogs, and articles, here are a few tips to help you find your way.
1. Read a variety of materials
One of the best ways to improve your writing is to read as much as you can. But don’t limit yourself to just one genre or style of writing. Instead, mix things up and try reading a variety of material, including classic literature, textbooks, science fiction, biographies, blogs, essays, and articles. Not sure which books to read? Check out our curated list for beginner readers here!
2. Pay attention to grammar
As you’re reading, take note of how the authors use grammar. How do they structure their sentences? What words do they use? How do they spell certain words? By paying attention to these details, you can improve your grasp of grammar.
3. Read aloud.
One of the best ways to learn how to use language is to read aloud. This will help you get a feel for how the language sounds in conversation. Plus, it can be a lot of fun!
4. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy
As you’re reading, you’re bound to come across words you don’t know. When this happens, reach for a dictionary or thesaurus so you can look up the meaning of the word and find a suitable replacement.
5. Read newspapers, listen to news radio, and watch televised news programs
In addition to reading books, it’s also important to keep up with current events. By reading newspapers, listening to news radio, and watching televised news programs, you’ll learn how to use language in a variety of contexts.
#3 How To Improve Your English Grammar: Listen carefully to other speakers
When it comes to learning grammar, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone learns differently, and what works for one person might not work for another. That being said, there are a few general tips that can help everyone learn grammar step-by-step more effectively.
The best way to learn grammar is to pay attention to how other people speak. Listen to how they construct sentences, where they place words in sentences, how they say common phrases and the vocabulary they use. English has many rules and exceptions, so don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have any.
Learn how sentences are constructed by repeating what people say. This will enhance your vocabulary and help you understand how sentences are constructed.
Be warned that some English speakers, even native ones, don’t have a grasp of proper grammar. Nevertheless, if you closely listen to them and mimic their sentence structure, you will be able to communicate without any difficulty.
#4 How To Improve Your English Grammar: Write on a daily basis
One of the best ways to improve your grammar is to practice writing. And one of the best ways to practice writing is to keep a journal. Writing in a journal daily can help you spot any grammar mistakes you might be making and help you to learn any new rules or words you’ve learned. It also enables you to elevate your English essay writing.
Another great way to practice your grammar is to write short stories. This is a great way to concentrate on improving any problem areas you might have or mistakes you often repeat. And it’s also a lot of fun! Whatever method you choose, it’s important to focus on improving areas where you make mistakes. This will help you to avoid repeating the same errors in the future.
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#5 How To Improve Your English Grammar: Common errors to avoid
Are you one of those people who always use proper punctuation? If so, kudos to you! Proper punctuation can mean the difference between conveying the meaning you want and having your meaning lost or confused.
Many punctuation-related errors can occur in English, including run-on sentences, comma splices, and improper use of quotation marks. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.
Run-on sentence
A run-on sentence occurs when there is no punctuation separating independent clauses in the same sentence. This can be remedied by either placing a semicolon or a period between the independent clauses.
Comma splice
A comma splice occurs when independent clauses in a sentence are joined with a comma but without proper coordinating conjunction. Instead of just a comma, use a comma followed by the word “and” or “but”.
Using apostrophes to create plurals is another common mistake. Apostrophes are used to create contractions or show possession, not create plurals.
Quotation marks
Finally, quotation marks should only be used to indicate that you are directly quoting something someone said. Improper use of quotation marks is a common mistake.
By following these tips, you can avoid common punctuation mistakes and ensure you’re conveying the meaning you want. Be a punctuation pro with these tips here.